Twenty junior artists already framed and hung!


Funky Flowers in the Garden City


Christchurch school children provide art work for 18 corporate suites at Westpac Centre and visitors from around the world


Twenty children from Wharenui, Addington and St Teresa’s School can now lay claim to be framed artists! Their interpretations of “Funk Flowers in the garden City” were selected to be hung in the corporate Pacific Suites at Westpac Centre, and likely to be seen by many international visitors, corporate guests and celebrities over the next few years.


Venue Manager NCC (NZ) Ltd wanted to introduce new art works to the suits, updating them fort he first time since they were opened in September 1998. Executive Director Mike Kelly wanted to reflect the Garden City theme, and asked Year One and Two pupils at the three schools nearest the Westpac Centre to paint Funky Flowers on A2 cartridge paper.


The first were framed new and in place for the Neil Diamond concerts on 7/8 February. Now all 20 have been framed and hung, and were very much appreciated buy guests at Mark Knopfler on 21 March.


“Those people who admired the paintings were even more impressed when they discovered junior artists had done them. Many people said they were as good as anything they’d seen that depicts flowers. Some have glitter and people enjoyed that touch too,” Mike Kelly said. 


The Westpac Centre, New Zealand’s largest indoor arena with seating capacity of 8888 people,  hosts world class entertainers, sports events, trade shows, and a wide range of sporting and entertainment events. The Pacific Suites are 18 individual hospitality rooms in a semi circle on the upper level, widely used by a range of corporate, organisation and private groups. The paintings will be seen by thousands of people over the next few years.


The children, 5 and 6 year olds, painted in several styles and with considerable talent. They came from a rich diversity of cultural backgrounds, including Romania and India. They will each receive a certificate to mark the event.


The junior artists are:


St Teresa’s School

Clarence Neis, Claire Barlin, Stephanie Kolden, Nathan Hettige, Anna Thwaites, Michael Stratford, Aimee - Rose Rushton (7) 

Wharenui School

Vlad Bereanu, Kelly Tapu, Malek Ayesh, Amy Hammond, Olivia-Jeen Lochead, Natis Brown (6)

Addington School

Liam Farrell, Tara Ruru, Makasini Mola, Olivia Thomas, Kevin Young and Jonny Sparks (7)

The teachers involved were Katie Crabb of Addington School (Phone 366 2909), Christine Berry of Wharenui School (Ph 348 5263) and Judy Walker of St Teresa’s School (Ph 348 9392).


Funky Flowers in the Garden City was  co-ordinated by Emma Crew, phone 366 8899 or